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Sunday 6 September 2020

oil for cooking healthy

                                              Oil for cooking healthy 

oil for cooking healthy

Olive cooking oil  

I put olive oil at number one on the list of cooking oil because it is beneficial to health in every way. It is an excellent source of cholesterol. We all know that olive oil is one of the best oil in the world. There are several types of olive oil, we will describe the two different types of olive oil used in food. 

  1. Extra-Virgin olive oil, it is the purest type of olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil, first oil extracted from olives, no chemicals or heat are used during this process. This oil is dark greenish in colour and you can clearly feel the smell of the olives in it.
Extra virgin olive oil is not made for cooking purpose, we do not heat it. We only use it for topping, whether on top of cooked food or on a salad dressing, we can use extra virgin olive oil, basically it is a dressing oil. This type of oil is full of nutrition.     

   2. Pure olive oil,
this type of olive oil is slightly lower in quality than the extra virgin olive oil. Pure olive oil is a combination of refined olive oil and a small quantity of extra virgin olive oil.
It is lighter in colour and has less nutrition than extra virgin oil. We can heat pure olive oil, therefore, we can use it for cooking, baking, frying, etc.

Doctors advise the patient to stop using different types of cooking oil in many diseases like a heart attack, blood pressure, high level of bad cholesterol etc, but they never advise to stop using olive oil because it doesn't accumulate in our body. 

Two to four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day must be used in the salad to keep the body strong and active.  

oil for cooking healthy

Health benefits of olive cooking oil

Olive oil is very useful for health, it is rich in vitamin E, Calcium, Polyphenols, monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. The following are some of the benefits of olive oil.

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease  
  • We can control obesity  
  • We can avoid high blood pressure and LDL(bad) cholesterol
  • Cancer  
  • Osteoporosis  
  • Constipation  
  • Can prevent gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes 
  • It reduces the chances of gallstones  
  • Improves skin health  


Sunflower cooking oil 

 Sunflower cooking oil pressed from sunflower seeds. It is yellowish in colour. Sunflower oil contains polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, it is also rich in iron, vitamin B1, vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folate etc, and low in saturated fat. 

The saturated fats in other types of cooking oils accumulate in different parts of the body, which raises the bad cholesterol (LDL) level, and also boost good cholesterol (HDL) level. while sunflower oil keeps cholesterol levels normal because of polyunsaturated and lecithin. Sunflower oil is a 340 Fahrenheit high smoke point. 

oil for cooking healthy

Health benefits of sunflower  cooking oil

Sunflower cooking oil is very beneficial for our health,

  • Improves heart health   
  • Improves digestive system  
  • Prevents various types of cancer 
  • Good for bones and joints  
  • Improves skin health & reduces premature signs of ageing   
  • Prevents asthma 

oil for cooking healthy



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