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Tuesday, 1 September 2020

dyspnea medical definition

                         Dyspnea medical definition & management


Dyspnea medical definition

Dyspnea is a term used to describe a condition of difficulty in breathing with an increased and fast rate in the effort of breathing, with an uncomfortable feeling. It's a typical symptom of many ailments.

Dyspnea is also very hard to diagnose since there are several different causes of it. But recovery becomes hard too. It can range from mild condition to a very severe condition and can last for a long period. Dyspnea can be life-threatening.

Causes of dyspnea 

There are many causes of dyspnea, such as obesity, more exercise, anxiety, insomnia, carbon monoxide poisoning,  or weakness, but the most dangerous and disturbing are as follows,

  • Cardiac problems, There is a deep connection between our lungs and our heart. If there is any heart disease, there must be shortness of breath such as heart failure arrhythmia hypertensive heart disease cardiomyopathy etc. 

         The nerves that supply oxygen and blood to the heart are blocked. This causes the patient to feel chest pain, suffocation and difficulty in breathing.

  • Respiratory diseases, dyspnea is often associated with lung diseases, if there is even a minor infection in the lungs or in the airways, it is very difficult to breathe. 

         The most common breathing difficulties are seen during asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder  (COPD), the lungs don't get enough oxygen, because of obstruction and infection in airways. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis pleural effusion, or lung cancer can also cause shortness of breath.   

  • Haematological, severe anaemia is the top of the list, in this condition heart can't maintain his output, and heart's left ventricle is not dilated properly, which increases the pressure on the lungs, and therefore the lungs can't breathe properly. 

          Anaemia causes the heart to not get proper oxygen, and this lack of oxygen causes dyspnea. Pleural effusion is also a cause of dyspnea, it is sometimes referred to as"water in the lungs". It occurs when the pleural space fills with pus which can cause problems with dyspnea.


Some of the symptoms of dyspnea can be very dangerous, so don't delay going to the hospital. Dyspnea has very clear signs and symptoms such as,

  • Shortness of breath  
  • Excess sweating 
  • Fever and cough 
  • Yellowing or darkening of the skin especially face  
  • Blue fingernails  
  • Heaviness in chest  
  • Chest pain  
  • Inability to speak properly  
  • Vomiting  
  • Dizziness

Laboratory investigations

Tests for dyspnea depend on the causes, if there is a heart problem, the doctor will do an ECG or Ecadogram. 

If there is a chest infection, a chest X-ray or pulmonary test can be done. In the case of anaemia or blood loss, the doctor will perform a haemoglobin test to determine the level of blood 


If someone suddenly has difficulty breathing, they should see a doctor immediately, dyspnea treatment seeks to relieve underlying causes. If the patient with hypoxemia should administer oxygen immediately. If there is severe hypercapnia then wait for measurement of blood gases. 

The patient present with life-ending also suffers from dyspnea. Opioid treatment may give significant relief. For patients with significant COPD hypoxemia, oxygen therapy is of greatest benefit. 

It improves performance in mortality and in exercise. Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are other therapeutic options in patients with moderate to severe COPD or interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.


Precautions: It's not that dyspnea can't be avoided, for example, most people especially children, have difficulty breathing in the winter or in the spring. People who are allergic to pollens face a lot of difficulties, so when leaving the home in such weather, you should take precautionary measures.

Shortness of breath also depends on weight, you should reduce your obesity, avoid smoking and stressful life. Exercise according to your age and body structure, drink water from time to time, try to avoid environmental pollution, also, take long breaths in the morning and exercise your lungs. Doing yoga is also the best choice of this.

People who have difficulty breathing for any reason must keep an oxygen cylinder at home and use it in case of an emergency according to the doctor's advice.



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