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how to recover from anemia quickly

  :                             How to recover from anaemia quickly

how to recover from anemia quickly

The number of anaemic patients in the world has been increasing day by day for the last several years. One the main reason for this is our busy lifestyle. Work fatigue is high, can't sleep properly and can't eat properly.

Remember the body should not be anaemic because anaemia can lead to many dangerous diseases. It is the blood that carries oxygen from our lungs to the rest of the body similarly its take carbon dioxide from the body and exhaled outside from the body. Today we will talk about anaemia. 

What is anaemia?

Anaemia means decrease haemoglobin in the body, ie a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBS).

Blood  is present in adults if the hematocrit is< 41% (hemoglobin < 13.5 g/dL [135 g/L}) in males or <36%(hemoglobin < 12 g/dL |120 g/L)) in females. Congenital anemia is suggested by the patient's personal and family.

 Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia worldwide. Aside from circulating red blood cells, the major location of iron in the body is the storage pool as ferritin or as hemosiderin in macrophages.        

Causes of anaemia 

If someone is suffering from anaemia due to lack of food, it happens very slowly.In this type of anaemia, the affected person doesn't know immediately.

Anemic people start to feel a change in the body when the level fall down at 7 or 8 grams/dL (Normal Male: 13.2 -16.6 grams/dL ,Female: 11.6 -15 grams /dL) 


Other causes of microcytic anaemia include anaemia of chronic disease (specifically, anaemia of inflammation), thalassemia, lead poisoning, and congenital X-linked sideroblastic anaemia. Anaemia of chronic disease is characterized by normal or increased iron stores in bone marrow macrophages and a normal or elevated ferritin level.

 The serum iron and transferrin saturation are low, often drastically so, and the total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) and transferrin are either normal or low. 

Thalassemia produces a greater degree of microcytosis for any given level of anaemia than does iron deficiency and, unlike virtually every other cause of anaemia, has a normal or elevated rather than a low) red blood cell count as well as reticulocytosis. 

In thalassemia, red blood cell morphology on the peripheral smear resembles severe iron deficiency.

Menstrual blood loss plays a major role in iron metabolism. The average monthly menstrual blood loss is approximately 50 mL, but maybe five times greater in some individuals. To maintain adequate iron stores, women with heavy menstrual losses must absorb 3-4 mg of iron from the diet each day.

Anaemia in children can also be caused by worms, these worms feed on vitamin B12 and iron which can lead to anaemia in children.

Symptoms of anaemia 

The primary symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia are those of the anaemia itself. Severe deficiency causes skin changes, including a smooth tongue, brittle nails and cheilosis. Dysphagia because of the formation of esophageal webs may appear in severe iron deficiency. Many iron-deficient patients develop pica, craving for specific odds often not rich in iron.

.Menstrual blood loss plays a major role in iron metabolism. The average monthly menstrual blood loss is approximately 50 mL but maybe five times greater in some individuals. To maintain adequate iron stores, women with heavy menstrual losses must absorb 3-4 mg of iron from the diet each day.

  • Weakness  
  • Fatigue  
  • Headache   
  • Changes in  skin colour which becomes pallor, especially white lips or white lower punctum of the eye          
  •  Dizziness  
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Body pain
  • Irritability 
  • Fast heartbeat 
  • Poor memory 

How to recover from anaemia quickly?

If someone is anaemic without any pathological reason, then the person should review their dietary habits. They should take the following foods in their daily routine.

how to recover from anemia quickly
Rich sources of iron 

  • Spinach      (Rich source of iron fibre, vitamins A, E, C and B9)

  • Chicken 
  • Seafood 
  • Beetroot       (Super source  of iron )
  • All fruits are good for anaemia, especially apple, orange, pomegranate, tomatoes, dates, etc. 
  • Turnips
  • Onion
  • Peanuts, Raisin & Almond   
  • Animal's heart, kidney and liver are the best sources for those suffering from anaemia.
  •  Red meat  
  • Honey   (Rich source of magnesium and copper )
  • Eggs    (Avoid egg white )

     Avoid milk, tea and coffee as they prevent iron from being absorbed.

Laboratory Findings :

To diagnose anaemia, we do a simple blood test called HB, this allows us to easily determine the level of haemoglobin.

Bone marrow biopsy for evaluation of iron stores is rarely performed. If the biopsy is done, it shows the absence of red in erythroid progenitor cells by Prussian blue staining. The platelet count is commonly increased, but it usually remains <800,00/ mcL (800x 10/L). ) 

Treatment :

The anaemia itself is rarely life-threatening, the most important part of management is the identification of the cause especially a source of occult blood loss.

Oral Iron :

Sometimes only taking folic acid 400mg can help to overcome iron deficiency because it helps in absorption of iron properly.

Ferrous sulfate, 325 mg three times daily, which provides 180 mg of iron daily of which up to 10 mg is absorbed, is the

preferred therapy. Iron therapy should continue for 3-6 months after the restoration of normal hematologic values to replenish iron stores. Failure of response to iron therapy is usually due to noncompliance, although occasional patients may

absorb iron poorly, particularly if the stomach is achlorhydric. Such patients may benefit from concomitant administration of oral ascorbic acid. Other reasons for failure to respond include incorrect diagnosis (anaemia of chronic disease, thalassemia), celiac disease, and ongoing gastrointestinal blood loss that exceeds the rate of new erythropoiesis.

Blood & iron transfusion: If the patient is severely anaemic then they might need a packed cell transfusion in the hospital or injectable iron supplement by infusion.



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