Effects of migraine on body
A normal headache is very common and can happen to anyone, and can occur for many different reasons that its proper evaluation may be difficult. There are many types of headaches. Sometimes headaches are caused by cough, cold, flu, poor eyesight and sometimes by stress, dehydration, lack of sleep and hunger also cause headaches. Important secondary causes to consider include intracranial lesions, head injury, cervical spondylosis, dental or ocular disease, hypertension, depression, and a wide variety of general medical disorders.
Common headaches are relieved after a good sleep or after having a good meal. Today we are going to talk about one type of headache, that is migraine.
Word "Migraine "is derived from the Greek word "hemicranias" which means pain on one side of the head. A migraine is a chronic neurological disorder. Migraine is characterized by severe pain on one side of the head anywhere up to 72 hours. A migraine starts mildly in one side of the head, and in a short time, it becomes unbearable.
Migraine may be related to neurovascular dysfunction. Headache results from the dilatation of blood vessels innervated by the trigeminal nerve caused by the release of neuropeptides from parasympathetic nerve fibres approximating these vessels.
Migraine does not start suddenly, it takes a while. It usually takes an hour or two to build into a full-blown. Migraine patients have painful neck points. Better to take medicines as soon as the patient feel migraine symptoms, some of the common symptoms are,
- Sensitivity to light or sound
- Nausea & vomiting
- Vertigo
- Difficulty in speaking
- Constipation or diarrhoea
In most cases migraine is genetical. Migraine has many potential triggers and causes, like environmental, food and allergies stimuli. Several medications such as birth control tablets may trigger a migraine. Patients of migraine should also avoid yoghurt, cheese bananas etc.
- Lack of sleep or too much sleep
- Fluorescent lights
- Anxiety / Depression
- Consumption of excess caffeine and sweet
- Dehydration
- Long travelling
- Working in the sun
- Drinking alcohol/cigarette smoking
- Changes in hormones in women
During acute attacks, rest in a quiet, darkened room may be .helpful until symptoms subside. A simple analgesic (eg, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen) taken right away often provides relief, but treatment with prescription therapy is sometimes necessary.
To prevent medication overuse of simple analgesics should be limited to 15 days or less per month, and combination analgesics should be limited to no more than 10 days per month.
1. Ergotamines-Cafergot, a combination of ergotamine tartrate (1 mg) and caffeine (100 mg), is often particularly helpful; one or two tablets are taken at the onset of headache or warning symptoms, followed by one tablet every
30 minutes, if necessary, up to six tablets per attack and no more than 10 days per month. Because of impaired absorption or vomiting during acute attacks, oral medication Sometimes fails to help.
2. Triptans-Sumatriptan, which has a high affinity for 5-HT, receptors, is a rapidly effective agent for aborting attacks when given subcutaneously by an auto-injection device (4-6 mg once subcutaneously, may repeat once after 2 hours if needed; maximum dose 12 mg/24 h). Nasal and oral preparations are available but may be less effective due to slower absorption.
It is also available in a nasal formulation, which has a quick onset of action; the dose is 5 mg in one nostril once and it may be repeated once after 2 hours.
If migraine headaches occur more frequently three or four times a month or significant disability is associated with attacks, then one should consult a doctor. Several drugs may have to be tried in turn before the headaches are brought under control. Their mode of action is unclear but may involve alteration of central neurotransmission.
Once a drug has been found to help, it should be continued for several months. If the patient remains headache-free, the dose may be tapered and the drug eventually is withdrawn. Botulinum toxin type A is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for migraine Prevention.
If the patient has a recurrent migraine, so it is necessary to consult a neurologist. Most migraine sufferers know what to avoid. In this case, if the patients are a little careful, they can avoid the migraine. If we neglect migraine, it has negative effects on the body.
You will agree with me that if a meal is eaten on time and go to bed on time, so we can control 60% of migraine.
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